Saturday, September 18, 2021

Blue Medora BindPlane MIaaS & GCP Logging

The service seems promising and may be easy to be use. I spent just <5 minutes for registration & saw the following GUI:

Bindplane is like a deployment & centralized configuration tool for managing collectors. 

The first result may be:

But there are lots of things to be done for security monitoring purposes, e.g. correlations, alerts, I guess. So we may have a look at its supported destination, GCP Logging later.

Updated at 11:46 PM:

GCP Logging & Logs Explorer are not so good as expected.


-jsonPayload.message="The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter\r\nwith settings:"
-jsonPayload.message="7021 - Connection telemetry fields and analysis usage"

So we may turn back to the first solution (Spl).

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