Sunday, August 7, 2022

2 Workshop chất lượng về AWS


AWS Workshop #1 - Iterative App Modernization Workshop

Trích từ :

This workshop is to guide you through the process of moving from a monolithic architecture to a microservice architecture.

The high-level agenda for this workshop is as follows:

  1. Explore the monolithic application
  2. Use AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces (or optionally just Amazon API-Gateway) to create a refactor environment and define traffic routing.
  3. Leverage Microservices architecture
    1. Use Amazon DynamoDB for storing and accessing shopping cart information
    2. Use AWS Lambda as compute resource for accessing and manipulating the shopping cart

AWS Workshop #2 - Building event-driven architectures on AWS

TRích từ 


Many customers are choosing to build event-driven application architectures – those in which subscriber or target services automatically perform work in response to events triggered by publisher or source services. This pattern can enable development teams to operate more independently so they can release new features faster, while also making their applications more scalable.

In this workshop you’ll learn the basics of event-driven design, how to choose the right AWS service for the job, as well as how to optimize for both cost and performance. Through hands on practice, this workshop will give you the skills bring event-driven design patterns into your own applications.

  • AWS Experience: Intermediate
  • Time to Complete: 2 hours
  • AWS Services: Amazon EventBridge, Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, AWS Lambda, and more.
  • Local PreRequisites: An AWS account and the latest version of Chrome of Firefox browser.

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